The RSP College Library established in the year 1951 to cater the need of learning fraternity of the institution. Our library is a haven for book lovers. With a treasure trove of more than 45,500 books, we can proudly claim to have one of the best and largest collections of books among undergraduate colleges . From autobiographies to thrillers, self-help and personality development books to a wide range of reference books – you name it and our library has it. Our library also has the distinction of subscribing to more than 5/6 journals/magazines and 3 newspapers catering to diverse interests. A large number of reputed academic journals are also available for staff and for students interested in keeping abreast with latest developments in their domain.
To be a center of learning providing organized, Comprehensive and timely access to both local and remote resources.
To use new developments in Technology to expose the ever-expanding frontiers of knowledge to staff and students.
Highlights of the library
- Fully computerized and automated with a bar code system enabling easy and quick transactions.
- Open access system providing easy accessibility.
- A comprehensive collection of books .
- Deposit scheme to allow students to borrow books for longer periods during exams.
- Book kits containing essential textbooks issued to students every semester, reducing financial burden on students and ensuring that library borrowing cards are used for reference books and other reading matter.
- Institutional membership of British Council Library.